FRP Round Type Cooling Tower Manufacturers in India
For various capacity requirements of cooling towers based on application, industry, and capacity from KEN COOLING TOWERS.
FRP Round Type Cooling Tower is an efficient and directly driven fan and Motor, The bottle shape makes it possible to provide maximum cooling efficiency in a minimum plan area with lower energy consumption. ‘Minimum drift Losses’ Fiberglass reinforced polyester casing panels, steel, or stainless casing panels for extra corrosion resistance are all options. A cooling tower, by contrast, removes heat from the water that is passing by on its way from the system’s condenser or heat exchanger. he smaller the number, the more efficient the cooling tower. A normal cooling tower offers a range of 5° to 9° F for its cooling tower approach.

Images of FRP Round Type Cooling Towers
Experience the new technology cooling towers looks like from Ken Cooling Towers