Natural Draft Cooling Tower Manufacturers in India
For various capacity requirements of cooling towers based on application, industry, and capacity from KEN COOLING TOWERS.
Natural Draft Cooling Tower to increase the heat transfer surface area (and optimize the cooling process), hot water is sprayed from nozzles within the tower. cooling towers have become the design standard for all natural-draft cooling towers because of their structural strength and minimum usage of material. The hyperboloid shape also aids in accelerating the upward convective air flow, improving cooling efficiency.
Natural draft cooling towers allow for air circulation through natural convection, pushing hot air out and cool air in. Mechanical draft cooling towers, on the other hand, functions in a similar way but deploys fans and other equipment to circulate air.Natural draft cooling towers allow for air circulation through natural convection, pushing hot air out and cool air in. Mechanical draft cooling towers, on the other hand, functions in a similar way but deploys fans and other equipment to circulate air.

Images of Natural Cooling Towers
Experience the new technology cooling towers looks like from Ken Cooling Towers